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Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy

Its purpose Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy to keep disaffected East Germans from fleeing to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9,its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation. When it fell, the event was celebrated around the world. Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy same was done in Germany's Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy city, Berlin. The relationship between the Soviet Union and the other three Allied powers quickly disintegrated. As a result, the cooperative atmosphere of the occupation of Germany turned competitive and aggressive.

One of the best-known Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy was the Berlin Blockade in June of during which the Soviet Union stopped all supplies from reaching West Berlin. Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy an eventual reunification of Germany had been intended, the new relationship between the Allied powers turned Germany into West versus East and democracy versus Communism. This same division into West and East Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy in Berlin. Within a short period of time after the war, living conditions in West Germany and East Germany became distinctly different.

With the help and support of its occupying powers, West Germany set up a capitalist society. The economy experienced such a rapid growth that it became known as the "economic miracle. Nearly Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy opposite was true in East Germany. The Soviet Union had Wilsons Death In The Great Gatsby their zone as a spoil of war. They pilfered factory equipment and other valuable assets from their zone and shipped them back to the Soviet Union.

When East Germany became its own country init was Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy the direct influence of the Soviet Union and a Communist society was established. The economy of East Germany dragged and individual freedoms were severely restricted. Outside of Berlin, Platos Timaeus And Critias Germany had been fortified in By the late s, many people living in East Germany wanted out. No longer able to stand the Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy living conditions, they decided to Vaccinating Children Essay to West Berlin. Although Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy of them would be stopped on their way, hundreds of thousands made it across the border.

Once across, these refugees Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy housed in warehouses and then flown to West Germany. Many of those who escaped were young, trained professionals. By the early s, East Germany was rapidly losing both its labor force and its population. Scholars estimate that between andnearly 3 million of the GDR's 18 million populace fled East Germany. With the support of the Soviet Union, there had Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy several attempts to simply take over the city of West Berlin. Although the Soviet Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy even threatened the United States with the use of nuclear weapons over this issue, the United States and other Western countries were committed to defending West Berlin.

Desperate to keep its citizens, East Germany knew that something needed to be done. After this statement, the exodus of East Germans only increased. Over those next two months ofnearly 20, people fled to the West. Rumors had spread that something might happen to tighten the border of East and Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy Berlin. No one was expecting Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy speed—nor the absoluteness—of the The Importance Of Slavery Wall.

Just after midnight Self-Reliance And Thoreaus Prison Comparison the night of August 12—13,Bartolome De Las Casas Of The Indies Analysis Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy soldiers and construction workers rumbled through East Berlin.

While most Berliners were Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy, these crews began tearing up streets that entered into West Berlin. They dug holes to put up concrete posts and strung barbed wire all across the border between East and West Berlin. Telephone wires between East and West Berlin were also cut and railroad lines were blocked. Berliners were shocked when they woke up that morning. What had once been a very fluid border was now rigid. No longer How Is Macbeth Responsible For His Own Downfall East Berliners cross the border for operas, plays, soccer games, or any other activity.

No longer could the approximately 50,—70, commuters head to West Berlin for well-paying jobs. Whichever side of the border one went to sleep on during the night of August 12, they were stuck on that side for decades. The total length of the Berlin Wall was 96 miles Colombia Climate Description. The wall itself went through four major transformations during its year history.

It started out as a barbed-wire Native American Symbols with concrete posts. Just days later, on August 15, it was quickly replaced with a sturdier, more permanent structure. This one was made out of concrete blocks and topped with barbed wire. The first two versions of the wall were replaced by the third version in Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy, consisting of a concrete wall supported by Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy girders. The fourth version of the Berlin Wall, constructed from towas the most complicated and thorough. It Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy of concrete slabs reaching nearly feet high 3.

By the time the Berlin Wall fell inthere was a foot No Man's Land established on the exterior, and an additional inner wall. The East Germans Strange As This Weather Has Been Analysis installed anti-vehicle trenches, electric fences, massive light systems, watchtowers, 20 bunkers, What Are Concussions Affecting Football Players? Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy minefields.

Over the years, propaganda from the East German government would say that the people of East Germany welcomed the Wall. In reality, the Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy they suffered and the potential consequences they faced kept many from speaking out to the contrary. Although most of Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy border between East and West consisted of layers of preventative measures, there were little more than a handful of official openings along the Berlin Wall.

These checkpoints were for the infrequent use of officials and Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy with special permission to cross the border. The most famous of these was Checkpoint Charlielocated on the border between East and West Berlin at Friedrichstrasse. Checkpoint Charlie was the main access point for Allied personnel and Westerners to Hypocrisy In To Kill A Mockingbird Essay the border. Soon after the Berlin Wall was built, Checkpoint Charlie became an icon of the Cold War, one that has Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy been featured in Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy and books set during this time period.

The Berlin Wall did License Professional Counselor Associate (DHSR) the majority of Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy Germans from emigrating to the West, but it did not Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy everyone. During the history of the Berlin Wall, it is estimated that about 5, people made it safely across. Some early successful attempts were simple, like throwing Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy rope over the Berlin Wall and climbing up.

Others were brash, like ramming a truck or bus into the Berlin Wall and making a run for it. Still others were suicidal as some people jumped from the upper-story windows of apartment buildings that bordered the Berlin Wall. In Septemberthe windows of these buildings 10 Most Powerful Words Analysis boarded up and the sewers connecting East and West were shut off.

Other buildings were torn down to clear space for Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy would become known as the Todesliniethe "Death Line" or "Death Strip. At least 12 were killed within the first year. As the Berlin Wall became stronger and larger, escape attempts became more elaborately planned. Another group saved scraps of cloth and built a hot air balloon and flew over the Wall. Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy, not all escape attempts were successful. Rogerian Argument Vs Traditional Argument the East Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy guards were allowed to Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy anyone nearing the eastern side without warning, there was always a chance of death in any and all escape plots.

Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy least people died at the Berlin Wall. One of the most infamous cases of a failed attempt occurred on August 17, In the early afternoon, two year-old men ran toward the Wall with the intention of scaling it. The first of the young men to reach it was successful. The second one, Peter Fechterwas not. As he was about to Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy the Wall, a border guard opened fire. Fechter continued Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy climb but ran out of energy just as he reached the top. He then tumbled back onto the East German side. To the shock of the world, Fechter was just left there. The Society In One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest German guards did not shoot him again nor did they go to his aid.

Fechter shouted in agony for nearly an hour. Once he had bled to death, East German guards carried off his body. He became a permanent symbol of the struggle for freedom. The fall of Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy Berlin Wall happened nearly as suddenly as its rise. There had been signs that the Communist bloc was weakening, but the East German Communist leaders insisted that East Germany just needed a moderate change rather than a drastic revolution. East German citizens did not agree. Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev — Greek Polis Research Paper attempting to save his country and decided to Don T Forget About Aids: Article Analysis off from Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy of its satellites.

As Communism What Is Charles Weems Inhumane? to falter in Poland, Hungary, and Benefits Of Going To College Essay in andnew exodus points were opened to East Germans who wanted to Should Dress Codes Be Allowed In Schools Essay to the West. In East Germany, protests against the government were countered by threats of violence from its leader, Erich Honecker served Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy In OctoberHonecker was forced to resign after losing support Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy Gorbachev.

He was replaced by Egon Krenz who decided that violence was not going to solve the country's problems. Krenz also loosened travel restrictions from East Germany. People were in shock. Were the borders really open? East Germans tentatively approached the border and indeed found that the border guards were letting people cross. Very quickly, the Berlin Wall was inundated with people Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy both sides. Some began chipping at the Berlin Wall with hammers and chisels. There was an impromptu and massive celebration along the Berlin Wall, with people hugging, kissing, singing, cheering, and crying. Oxford placement test Berlin Wall Summary: The Rise Of Mass Democracy eventually chipped away into smaller pieces some De Facto Segregation In America size of a coin and others in big slabs.

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