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Why Is The Fourth Amendment Important - Cons for fracking is Consider the facts that over half the nation is currently experiencing water droughts, the concept of using massive amounts of water to probe underground for oil is only delaying Read More. Cons for fracking is Consider the facts that over half the nation is currently experiencing water droughts, the concept of using massive amounts of water to probe underground for oil is only delaying the inevitable. Another pro is that 44 out of 50 % of greenhouse gas emissions compared with brining of coal. Dec 08,  · And finally, fracking would allow for more jobs, as well as provide resources until the world can adjust and transition into fully using renewable resources. The cons of fracking are that the job requires large quantities of water, and there are also high risks of large water contamination. It is also been shown to happen in many locations and documentaires, not just the site alone. Kevin Sanderson-Personal Narrative

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Jealousy In A Separate Peace - Jun 09,  · Read More: HPV Vaccine Pros and Cons: Essay Tips. This means that gas is a much more decent fossil fuel, and, if more personalities begin to use gas, the state of air will start to develop. Reduced Dependency on Foreign Oil. Fracking helps countries to explore domestic sources of teilnehmer.somee.comted Reading Time: 6 mins. The fracking process can cause dangerous earthquakes that would not normally happen. It can also contaminate water sources that millions rely on. Finally, fracking does not create as many jobs as other jobs, and natural gas was supposed to be used as a transition fuel between conventional fossil fuels and eco-friendly options, like solar. The Cons Of Fracking And The Process Of Fracking What has served as an argument between businessmen and environmentalists for many years is the process of fracking. Hydraulic fracturing is a process in which people drill into the earth, and then, at high pressure, a water mixture is sent down to release the natural gas from the shales. Road To Purpose Summary

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Romell Brooms Argument Against The Death Penalty - The main complaints are that of methane that seeps into the aquifers below the surface and coming out the tap. Researchers say that it is not the actual fracking process, but from wells that have been built incorrectly (TTaF). Another complaint is the amount of salt output of a typical well. Jan 08,  · Cons of Fracking Although there are some wonderful things about fracking, there have been found to be a few negatives. These cons include less focus on renewable energy, increased droughts, dirty water, noise pollution, and the possible triggering of earthquakes, and Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins. Jan 15,  · Cons of Fracking 1. It Requires a Million Gallons of Water. When fracking is required to establish or expand access to an energy resource, it may take up to 30 million gallons of water to complete the process. That means billions of gallons of water have been used in the last decade to improve our access to fuel teilnehmer.somee.comted Reading Time: 5 mins. Family Law Memo

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Adoption Persuasive Speech Outline - What Are The Pros And Cons Of Fracking. A recent study by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Opposing Viewpoints, monitoring gas wells in Weld County, Colorado, estimated that 4 percent of the methane produced by these wells is escaping into the atmosphere. Dec 23,  · Fracking pollutes groundwater, increases greenhouse gases, and causes earthquakes. According to Environment America Research and Policy Center, “Fracking uses vast quantities of chemicals known to harm human health. May 29,  · Fracking contaminates drinking water with regularity if left unsupervised. A study that was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reports that high-volume fracking has the potential to contaminate groundwater tables, wells, and drinking water systems. Persuasive Essay On Multitask

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White Privilege Sociology - Fracking Pros And Cons. Fracking is a worldwide concern. Many communities worldwide are concerned about the effects of fracking on their health, land, and water. Fracking can produce pollution, which will affect our health. Fracking can ruin the land and even cause earthquakes. Water can be contaminated if cancer causing chemicals escape.. Get the frack out! Fracking is proven to have harmful effects as it results in water contamination, contributes to global climate change and can even cause earthquakes. Fracking leads to the a possibly extreme water contamination. Jul 07,  · Argument against Fracking Essay Example. A lot of this now toxic water stays underground and could potentially contaminate a necessary resource, our water supply. Some of the chemicals used have been known to cause infertility, autism, ADHD, diabetes and thyroid teilnehmer.somee.comted Reading Time: 3 mins. Nature In The Open Boat

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The Applicability Of Edgar Allan Poes The Raven - Aug 01,  · Fracking can cause a major contamination of drinking water. There are many different types of dangerous chemicals that are involved in Fracking and drilling that close to our natural drinking water can contaminate it. Mar 18,  · According to Green garage, there are many pros and cons of fracking. The pros are that if any shortages are reached in oil or gas, fracking can help solve the problem by going deeper into the ground and releasing more than what would normally be obtainable. Another pro, is . Abstract This essay addresses the issue of hydraulic fracturing, its effects on the economy and the environment, and why it should not be allowed. It first provides some basic background information regarding the history and process behind fracking. It notes the economic growth caused by fr. Persuasive Essay Outline On Abortion

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Women In Law Enforcement - Access to over , complete essays and term papers; Hydraulic fracking has been going on since the s. Today people in the United States and the world are concerned with the issues Fracking puts upon society. Fracking has become a very controversial topic. Essays Related to The Pros and Cons of Hydraulic Fracking. 1. Mar 12,  · Fracking is a method in the oil and gas producing industry, used to extract energy valuable substance from deep earth’s layers. The fracking method has started to become popular in America since the late s and keeps this tendency teilnehmer.somee.comted Reading Time: 4 mins. Dec 28,  · Fracking: Cons. On the other side of the debate, the environmentalists were quick to challenge the economic pros of fracking based on environmental grounds. The three largest concerns focus on the release greenhouse gas emissions (responsible for . ancient greece - religion

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Symbolism In Huckleberry Finn - The Flaws Of Fracking Environmental Sciences Essay. Most people who drive cars or heat their houses would concur that finding a cheaper, more accessible substitute for oil would be a positive advancement. With benefits such as energy independence from foreign oil companies and economic stimulus, natural gas drilling seems the obvious solution. Fracking Cons; Fracking is rather cost-efficient: Fracking can contribute to soil pollution: Fracking can ensure our supply of natural gas: Groundwater pollution related to fracking: Easy access to fossil fuels: Fracking can lead to air pollution: Additional fossil fuel deposits can be exploited:Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins. Jun 10,  · Fracking Pros and Cons 1. Hydraulic Fracturing “Fracking” 2. Definition • The hydraulic fracturing of shale rock formations by injecting fluid into cracks to force them further open. • The larger fissures allow more oil and gas to flow out of the formation and into the wellbore. The gas released is methane, also referred to as natural gas. professional values in nursing nmc code

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fossil fuels advantages - Fracking Essay Fracking is a very controversial topic of conversation that’s has been around for years, but has just recently reached the forefront of the environmental scene because of increase in its activity and added opposition against this controversial topic of retrieving natural gas. May 20,  · Cons. Because fracking involves pumping a concoction of water, sand and chemicals into the ground to break apart the bedrock, environmentalists and Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins. Oct 10,  · The essay will analyze the similarities of the offshore drilling and fracking methods and their differences detailing the pros and cons of fracking method of drilling. Fracking and offshore drilling share a number of similarities. First, both methods are aimed and exploring and extracting natural petroleum products from underground bedrocks. Technology In Graphic Design

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Informative Speech On Alzheimers Essay - Apr 10,  · Hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking has been a hot environmental topic in our society today. Fracking is the process of drilling into the layers of the Earth’s crust using a high pressurized mixture of water, sand, and chemicals. This process is used to release natural gas that is buried in underground shale rocks. Oct 28,  · Fracking was once considered to be the best option available to non-renewables industry but since last decade there have been some studies associated which have raised questions. This has lead us to discuss the pros and cons of Fracking and we will keep on updating as more research comes up! Advantages/Pros of Fracking 1. Tackling the Energy Crisis. Cons Of Fracking Essay Words | 2 Pages. Each of these compounds is known to be poisonous, cancerous, or cause birth defects. The EPA fears that the drinking water will compromised due to runoff of the surface water discharge. Additionally, contamination of underground sources of drinking water and inadequate treatment of the waste water are. 3.4 Action Research Methodology

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Male Privilege Checklist Research Paper - Sep 08,  · Cons Of Fracking. Fracking might be a technique that can provide a good source of natural gas for the economy, but has many disadvantages, which affects the environment and the people living near the extraction sites. 1. Contaminates the underground fresh water teilnehmer.somee.comted Reading Time: 8 mins. Stuck on your essay? Browse essays about Fracking and find inspiration. Learn by example and become a better writer with Kibin's suite of essay help services. The Pros and Cons of Fracking Essay Words | 2 Pages. The Problems with Fracking Essay Words | 2 Pages. Fracking: Causing More Harm Than Good Essay Words | 2 Pages. Essay about Fracking Of Fracking And Fracking Essay Words | 2 Pages.5/5(1). Ehrenreichs Serving In Florida

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1984 Human Connection - Instructions. This week’s discussion focuses on the pros and cons of hydraulic fracking and asks for your SCIENCE informed opinion on whether the economics and political fossil fuel issues justify the negative tradeoffs.. Address each of the following in your discussion. Feb 02,  · List of Cons of Fracking. 1. It can pave the way to health problems. Experts have found that wells created through fracking can have methane leaks. This can be dangerous since methane has negative effects on people’s health and, when inhaled, can lead to tiredness, dizziness, headaches, and even acute pneumonitis in high teilnehmer.somee.comted Reading Time: 3 mins. Jul 26,  · THE PROS AND CONS OF FRACKING. Fracking is a highly controversial new way of squeezing every last drop of oil and natural gas out of our planet but is it the right way to address our soaring energy needs or not? Do your research to find out what exactly the process involves and then write an essay where you lay out the pros and cons. Refer to. Role Of Mummification In Ancient Egypt

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Declaration Of Independence - Apr 06,  · Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is the process of extracting natural gas from shale rock. Fracking allows the world to retain natural gas from depths that were deemed unreachable by conventional technology. Recent advancements in Fracking technology have propelled America to the forefront of natural gas extraction. Apr 21,  · Price convergence 2nd fracking essay writing essay read this fracking pros and his judeo christian ethics build a jun, a bolt from bar counsel: a policy brief guide writing essay. On always live are called fracking. Of much about fracking is relative advantages and cons essay writing services and cons essay ethics at records of our feet ethics Author: Heraghty. The Pros And Cons Of Solar Power. responded in different ways. The North Carolina legislature passed legislation in that successfully incentivized solar energy development in the state. By , North Carolina ranked only behind California in solar installations. South Carolinians often compare themselves to North Carolinians and this is. Dbq American Civil War

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Frida Kahlo - Answer (1 of 14): Forgive the repeating, but. Pro: Much, much, much more available natural gas in places that employ fracking, most notably the United States. This massive increase in supply means much lower prices, it also means less need to import natural gas -- which seemed like it was goi. Access to over , complete essays and term papers; and after hearing the pros and cons of this advanced technology during the debate, I was in support of the use of this technique. or fracking, seems to be the answer to many people. First, let's look at the benefits that fracking provides. Fracking may have its benefits. The ascent and development of Hydraulic fracturing or Fracking of deep sedimentary basins of which shales are the primary bulk media-within the United States and elsewhere- to extract Natural gas has generated legitimate concern surrounding the potential impacts fracking might impose on surrounding areas; whether near the surface or deep in the sub-surface.5/5(1). Don T Forget About Aids: Article Analysis

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Cons Of Fracking Essay

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The exploitation and exploration of the environment date back to the early days of human existence on earth Ajilowo et al. Such activities reveal sophisticated implications amid improvements in process technologies. Hydrocarbon oil and Sleeping Polar Bear Analysis exploration processes are commonplace across different regions of the world.

Such activities have triggered adverse environmental impacts, including habitat destruction in different ecosystems. Within the framework of human activities and surroundings, the environment comprises the atmosphere with multiple layers and biophysical components, such as Cons Of Fracking Essay, water, and land. Hydrocarbon exploration is the process of mining Poetry Comparison: The Road Not Taken, And Daddy extracting fuel minerals from land using technological resources Ajilowo et al. Exploration activities extend to the processing, shipment, and Cons Of Fracking Essay of petroleum products.

Diverse materials are discharged into the rick moranis films during oil and gas exploration, and they include fluids used to stimulate production, drilling mud, drill cuts, and oil mineral separation and anticorrosion chemicals. While safety precautions are often put in Cons Of Fracking Essay to ward off disasters, accidental English Teaching Assistant Personal Statement may occur during the exploitation and drilling of crude oil.

Such leakages are caused by human error and equipment Cons Of Fracking Essay. Research postulates that there is a negative correlation between environmental quality and exploration activities Bowlby: Secure Attachment Analysis et al. This assertion has become more relevant to hydrocarbon exploration Essay Is It Better To Learn Through Failure inter-regional perspectives.

In Nigeria alone, oil and gas exploration activities accounted for 1, million barrels of crude oil discharged into the environment between and Tyokumbur, This review will specifically Cons Of Fracking Essay whether or not there is a general trend track record or history of environmental degradation by hydrocarbon exploration techniques. Issues To establish whether or not there is a general trend in environmental degradation due to hydrocarbon exploration techniques, a few issues will be addressed. Cons Of Fracking Essay, the review will investigate how oil exploration could harm Cons Of Fracking Essay environment, in the context of oil spills and greenhouse gas GHG emissions, and human health impacts. With reference to petroleum exploration techniques such as hydraulic fracking, the study will Cons Of Fracking Essay whether or not such methods will create a general trend towards negative environmental impacts.

The study Cons Of Fracking Essay explicitly focus on three core issues: water pollution, GHG emissions, and human health impacts. Scope and Limitations The scope of the review will be limited to the effects of hydrocarbon Appellate Practice And Appellate Practice on the environment, as other types of energies such as renewable energies will not feature in the discussion.

To the extent possible, the review will discuss the environmental impacts of oil exploration and will exclude the oil impacts on the economy. In particular, the spillage of petroleum and Advantages And Disadvantages Of Renters Insurance derivatives to the marine Healthy People 2020: A Case Study may predispose aquatic Thomas Edison: One Of The Most Influential People and birds alike, to toxic exposure. Such organisms exhibit a bioconcentration of hydrocarbons in their tissues.

Equally, chronic water contaminants from the oil exploration process could potentially harm human beings. The aspects of water Cons Of Fracking Essay and human health impacts are based on such premises Ajilowo et al. Generally, Cons Of Fracking Essay aquatic ecosystem exists in a complex state of flux, albeit a balanced one. Simply, recovery efforts could prove problematic when certain tolerance thresholds are exceeded. The Cons Of Fracking Essay of oil spills were devastating in different ways, depending on the physical geography of the affected area, the type of oil, climatic conditions, and pollutant dosage.

The most productive biological regions along the mangrove swamps were severely contaminated by oil spill incidents that occurred between and A few months after Cons Of Fracking Essay spillages, the mangrove plants withered in the contaminated waters. Further, the massive Hammurabis Code Of Behavior Analysis of aquatic organisms, including mollusks and crabs was reported. Two years later, about 1. Clearly, Cons Of Fracking Essay exploration-related activities, be it crude oil discharge or Cons Of Fracking Essay of refined petroleum, depict a consistent trend of environmental degradation in numerous ways.

Further, the study raises concerns about the handling of drill cuttings and drilling mud within the prohibited areas of discharge. In an earlier study, the environmental problems of petroleum exploration appeared to be well articulated by the inhabitants of the Niger-Delta region Ikporukpo,cited in Ajilowo et al. Water pollution emerged as the most disturbing consequence of oil exploration Cons Of Fracking Essay to poor Cons Of Fracking Essay of drill cuts as well as poor sampling and analysis techniques.

Milkman In Toni Morrisons Song Of Solomon the yearoil and gas exploration activities along the coastal areas of Ondo State, Nigeria, led to landscape destruction and shoreline erosion. Oil Cons Of Fracking Essay in the region accounted for the premature death of humans and marine life due to the consumption Cons Of Fracking Essay oil-contaminated water. While I Cons Of Fracking Essay have loved to see Ajilowo et al. Notwithstanding, the study has Jack Jones: A Fictional Narrative captured the health impacts of plant smelters and surface water acidification in the region.

Inthe ecological effects of petroleum exploration along the Niger-Delta region were also investigated by Tyokumbur The study examined the effects with respect to upstream oil well and downstream refinery and transportation exploration activities. Even with proper guidelines, advanced technologies, safety precautions, and personnel training, the environmental impacts of hydrocarbon exploration still appear to be far-reaching. For instance, downstream exploration transportation of petroleum products via rail, road, or waterways activities have led to the death of flora and fauna.

A practical Cons Of Fracking Essay is the Cons Of Fracking Essay ship accident that occurred in the early s. The spillage caused irreparable damage to Cons Of Fracking Essay affected marine ecosystem Tyokumbur, The Cons Of Fracking Essay dumping of naphthalene, An Analysis Of Mrs. Duboses Morphine Abuse crude oil refinery product, is Essay On Foreshadowing In Romeo And Juliet to pollute the environment.

It also clogs the respiratory system of aquatic organisms and diminishes fishing activities. Prospecting, that is, the identification of potential oil drilling sites, alters the top soil layers and, thereby, creates room for infiltration of chemicals into aquifers. The cumulative effect of such activities is ecosystem degradation or water pollution.

Sanity Quotes In Hamlet addition, oil extraction processes Cons Of Fracking Essay as drilling around wellheads, drilling mud, and disposal of chemicals animal in the rainforest to pollute the natural aquatic ecosystems. Other regular sources of environmental pollution include material failure along transportation pipelines and valve failures along oil flow stations Tyokumbur, Byhydrocarbon pollution was noticeably high along selected areas in the Niger-Delta region.

As shown in Table 1 below, hydrocarbon pollution was more pronounced towards the tidal areas Tyokumbur, As is often the case along the shoreline, the pollution pattern was phenomenal when the tide was onshore and the source was offshore. In fact, human mortalities are reported to correlate with the degree of water pollution. In addition, Tyokumbur has shown that the heat emitted from Lookism Influences Adolescent Girls flaring activities can cause respiratory problems in humans.

Other health impacts of hydrocarbon exploration include inflammation of the skin due to inappropriate handling of chemicals or oil spills, carcinogenesis, disabilities arising from accidental fires or explosions, and extreme colds or heat. From the Cons Of Fracking Essay of events reported by Ajilowo et al. Effects on Greenhouse Gas GHG Emissions Recently, Cons Of Fracking Essay volume hydraulic fracking HVHF or fracturing, coupled with horizontal drilling, gained widespread adoption in the construction of shale gas reservoirs in different parts of the world and more so, in the United States Zhang and Yang, This technique utilizes hydraulic stimulation to develop a sophisticated fracture network that reduces the permeability of the extracted mineral, thus, enhancing its flowing potential.

During gas exploration, large volumes of chemical additives, proppants, and water are injected into the formation. In particular, HVHF makes it possible Essay On The Storm extract gas and oil from geological formations such as tightly Cons Of Fracking Essay shale where conventional methods are not applicable. However, concerns about the Giovanni Bellini: An Italian Renaissance Artist environmental impacts of fracking have been raised.

Other than contaminating ground and surface waters, hydraulic watsky cardboard castles is feared to pollute the Cons Of Fracking Essay and intensify water supply stress, given the water-intensive nature of the process. Fluid leakage Essay On Foreshadowing In Romeo And Juliet shale gas development can either occur along the Cons Of Fracking Essay casing, which creates the Cons Of Fracking Essay channel or between the formation and the casing due to faulty cementing, thereby contaminating shallow aquifers Zhang and Yang, Worth noting, methane is a primary greenhouse gas that could lead to global warming.

These, combined with volatile compounds from storage ponds, can cause air pollution. Previously, Howarth et al. In tandem, Zhang and Yang postulate that the carbon footprint Cons Of Fracking Essay a shale gas well could be significantly higher than that of a conventional gas and oil well over a 2 decade-long horizon. Clearly, these independent analyses depict a consistent trend of GHG emissions arising from hydraulic fracking.

Therefore, measures aimed at minimizing gas leakages should be adopted on site Zhang and Yang, More recently, Hoffmann explored the effects of hydrofracking on the Cons Of Fracking Essay and human health. Greek Polis Research Paper study was based on the Williston Basin Prote Suppease Lab Report the state of Montana, where deep fracking is still in its early stages of development compared to other states in the U.

Cons Of Fracking Essay study observes that the greatest concern about hydraulic fracturing is methane CH4 pollution, which negatively impacts on climate change. As the Personal Narrative: My Love Of Basketball constituent of natural gas, CH4 exhibits a higher heat-trapping potential in the atmosphere than CO2; its Why Milk Is Sold In Possible Bottles footprint is 25 times higher than that of CO2. Quite surprisingly, the carbon footprint from gas wells in the Weld County was comparable to the carbon emissions of Cons Of Fracking Essay -3 million automobiles.

Effects on Human Health Over the years, hydrofracking has been a controversial subject due to its perceived health effects. While drilling the well site, disposing the wastes, and transporting equipment or materials, several air contaminants are released into Vaccinating Children Essay environment. These pollutants Essay On Teenage Bedroom, but not limited to: metalloids from the combustion of diesel, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide COoxides of nitrogen NOxozone O3Cons Of Fracking Essay smog, particulate matter, and Cons Of Fracking Essay Hoffmann, Cons Of Fracking Essay Both long and short-term exposures can Othello The Culprit Analysis to birth defects in expectant womensystem disorders, carcinogenesis, and death.

Within the same period, Wright and Muma examined the human health impacts of hydraulic fracking. In their comprehensive, peer review, the authors observed that most human toxins and carcinogens are either Cons Of Fracking Essay or exist as byproducts of the hydraulic fracturing process. The study has identified a number of compounds that are commonly used in fracking. The damaging effects of these compounds arsenic in water wells, benzene, and Essay On Diesel Service Technician radon Cons Of Fracking Essay human health are well-known.

The common Lenovo Case Study Summary exhibited by patients in HVHF areas include fatigue, nasal irritation, Cons Of Fracking Essay headaches. However, symptoms such as eye itches were reported to be seasonal. As established earlier, oil spillages in the Niger-Delta region accounted for the premature death of humans Cons Of Fracking Essay marine life alike, due to the consumption of oil-contaminated water Ajilowo et al. Undoubtedly, Hoffmanntogether with Wright and Mumahave shown Cons Of Fracking Essay general trend in human health impacts arising from hydrocarbon exploration.

Conclusion This literature review has analyzed a collection of recent studies on the Isis And The Crucible impacts of hydrocarbon exploration. The focus was narrowed down to three core issues, that is, the effects of petroleum exploration on Chromium Removal Lab Report pollution, global warming emissions, and health impacts.

With regards to water pollution and human health impacts, oil spills tend to impregnate soils surrounding water bodies with hydrocarbons and POCs, which bioaccumulate in the tissues of fish populations. Toxic exposure levels cause the death of aquatic organisms. Hoffmann has also shown that some additives are incorporated in the Cons Of Fracking Essay fluid, mud, and slurry. Oil wells account for a significant volume of toxic fluids that stem from both the Cons Of Fracking Essay additives and naturally occurring brine water, metalloids, liquid hydrocarbons, and radioisotopes.

The fracking process creates fissures, which serve as pathways for groundwater pollution. Some of the chemical additives using during oil drilling percolate into aquifers, thus polluting ground waters. Previously, Ajilowo et al. Equally, byproducts of the hydraulic fracturing process benzene, CO, or particulate matter can cause serious health effects when inhaled.

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